Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sebas the Cook!

Sebas is a teen who lives on our campus and is a part of the Hope Program. He grew up in children's home about 6 hours outside Monterrey. Thankfully he has been supported to go to one of top culinary schools in Monterrey. Earlier this month his school had a exhibition in which the students researched traditional foods from each state in Mexico, set up booths, decorated, and represented that state at a fair. Cheque and I were invited to go and try some of the food that Sebas and his classmates had prepared. I can honestly say that there was not one thing I tried and did not like! Sebas is a talented cook. I'm excited for the opportunities that lie ahead for him :) 
Cheque, Sebas, and myself standing outside Sebas' "Puebla" booth at the fair. 
Sebas' classmates outside the booth they made. 

Sweet gorditas from Puebla... very tasty!
Chiles en nogadas, the main dish Sebas' team prepared. Sebas was in charge of the
 rice, and let me tell you, it was super good! 
Here is the chef with his food!
A dish from another booth. It is a stuffed fruit that tasted like apple pie! yum!
Cheque and I before we try one of the many weird foods we encountered that day.
Becca and I trying Sopes topped with dried crickets... yum?

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