Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Spanish, Spanish, Spanish!!!!

My time in San Miguel de Allende is almost at a close. Only three more days of Spanish classes, a quick trip to Queratero, and a 9 1/2 hour bus ride lie between me and Monterrey! During this month in San Miguel I have learn tons of Spanish! Many people have asked if I am fluent yet... sadly the more Spanish I learn the more I see how much more there is to know! Granted I have greatly increased my knowledge and use of the Spanish language, but still have far to go... I'm praising God that I get to continue practicing and learning in Monterrey!
Here are a few pictures from my last few weeks in San Miguel:

This ice cream stand has a special place in my heart... and a special place in my stomach! I don't know if I have ever had such good ice cream. Not only do these men sell the usual flavors (vanilla, chocolate, etc...) they also sell more exotic flavors: tequila, cheese, raisin, .... This stand is in the centro of San Miguel, I have very easy access!

Here is a picture of most of my host family here in San Miguel. I live with Marina and Ernesto (the grandparents) but there 3 children who live nearby frequent the home often. This afternoon we were celebrating Ernesto's birthday with the entire family... it is amazing how big families are the same no matter what culture you are living in!

Cheque, my friend from Monterrey, came to visit me for a weekend. He is originally from a town just a few hours from San Miguel. Cheque and I went on adventures to nearby pueblos. It was great to have a traveling buddy (especially one who is completely fluent in the language!). We had a ton of fun! Cheque introduced me to some of his favorite foods that are made in this area of Mexico. They tasted great... until the next day when my stomach wasn't quite so fond of them. While I might be Mexican at heart, I definitely still have a gringo stomach!

Two days ago San Miguel had their "preview" for San Miguel Day which is in September. There was a huge parade, fireworks, music, native dancing, catholic processions.... supposedly this is just a small smidgen of what San Miguel Day is like. This is a photo of some of the indigenous people dancing in the parade. Check out the video too!

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