Juan Porto is one of the teen home parents on our campus and he grew up in Mexico City. He kindly offered to be our tour guide and teach us about all of the sites that we would be visiting. Below is a picture of Juan explaining to us the history of Teotihuacan.

Myself, Ruby, and Jessica on top of the Pyramid of the Sun!

On Day 4 we walked around downtown and visited the Federal Palace or Zocalo. Here is a picture of the National cathedral... notice that it has a slight tilt to it.... Mexico City was built on a lake! As a result many old buildings have begun to sink. If you look closely you can see it is leaning!
Mexico City is built on top of the ancient city of Tenochtitlan. In the heart of downtown is el templo meyor. The is the site where the top of the largest pryamid is being excavated. It is incredible to think that while I was walking through the city, an entire ancient civilization was buried under my feet. Here is a picture of the ruins of the Templo Meyor, one of the tallest buildings in ancient Tenochtitlan. It can be seen sticking up out of the ground downtown.
The federal building downtown Mexico City.

Yum yum! We love tacos!!
And just to prove that the trip had an educational focus, here is a picture of the kids writing in the travel journals that we kept throughout the trip. They used their journals for notes, sketches and reflections throughout the trip!
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