Two weeks ago we had the awesome opportunity to take our teens in the Hope Program to a youth conference called Alza el Vuelo at a local church. It was AWESOME!!! There were nearly 400 teens from around Monterrey gathered to worship, pray, and listen to teaching. There were two dynamic guest youth speakers who spoke each night of the conference. They were hilarious yet spoke truth straight to our teens. The Holy Spirit definitely showed up! It was so encouraging to see some of our teens open their hearts to the Lord and receive a touch from Him. Many were worshiping, dancing, jumping, crying, praying, and encouraging each other. I was encouraged as I was praying for some kids and felt the Holy Spirit whisper to my heart that He was answering the prayers that I and so many others have been praying for these kids for years. He is capturing their hearts. He is waking them up, calling them out, leading them forward! How exciting! He is on the move, who can stop Him?

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