There are many reasons why I love being in the Rio. One is that there is never a dull moment! Here are a few pictures from a regular week serving in the Rio.
Holding twin baby girls! Miriam and Marian are about 6 weeks old now. This picture is from the first day I got to hold them (they were 2 weeks old). I love babies and have been able to strike up a friendship with the twins mom, Magdalina. She has been coming every week to the soup kitchen with the twins and her two older girls. She likes the break from the babies and I don't mind cuddling with them at all! Last Saturday I went to Magdalina's house to help her bring the babies up the the soup kitchen. I saw that she had ingeniously invented a swing for her twins! She had hung an infant car seat from a rafter and one of her girls was being gently rocked to sleep in it. It was brilliant! In a hard situation (where dirt floors in your house are the norm!) you have to be creative for your children! Please continue to pray for this precious family.
Trying on a Catholic festival hat! One of the families I am getting to know in the Rio loves to participate in festival dances in their Catholic church. This family sews their own costumes out of whatever they can find, make their own instruments, and then as a family go nearly every weekend to dance in parades. This picture is of one of the hat's they made for a traditional dance... however I don't think the dance looks quite like what I am doing :) I asked this family many questions about the dancing and parades and the father told me that they consider it a way to worship the Lord. "We dance for joy in the Holy Spirit," he said! This is for sure different from the way I dance, but I was encouraged by what he told me about his faith. Please pray that they continue to have a revelation of Jesus.
Making gorditas with the Rio women
This past Wednesday we took an American group from Cincinnati out to the Rio to serve the people. While there a lady named China taught us all how to make yummy gorditas. Gorditas are kind of like sweet tortillas and are considered dessert. We made nearly 100 and all enjoyed them together. I also tried my hand at making Mexican beans... it is harder than it looks! Needless to say the ladies at the Rio were impressed and are now wanting to train me in all sorts of recipes. I have another cooking date with China next week. The Menu: flour tortillas and what I call "orange rice". 
Sunday school on Saturday :)
Every Saturday I help out with the soup kitchen. Usually I am with the young kids during the lesson time. We have some tiny kids that come, but they surprisingly pay great attention. Recently we have been seeing many new faces:) This is a picture of Tere and Marilin telling the kids the story of baby Moses. Afterward we did a craft and then I taught the kids a song with hand motions called, "Mi Dios es Tan Fuerte".
As you can see, never a dull moment and never the same experience at the Rio!!!
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