Tere and I at our party
Birthday traditions in Mexico can be quite a bit different from what I am used to in the States. I turned 23 about three weeks ago and celebrated with my roommates and friends! Two days before my actual b-day my roommates concocted a wonderful lasagna dinner for me and some friends. I have had lasagna on my birthday for many years as it is my favorite food, and I was so blessed to have it here, even though it is not a typical Mexican dish. The building we use for groups was beautifully decorated, salsa music was playing, and great friends were in attendance! The day before my birthday also happens to be my friend Tere's b-day!!! So the party was for her as well. 

Some of my friends here at my birthday party
The guys there sang us the Mexican happy birthday song. It is this really long song all about how the birds sang and the animals were happy, etc on the day that I was born. Honestly that song is about 5 verses long!
I also got to participate in the Mexican birthday tradition of "mordida." Basically this is when they smash cake in your face! Usually the birthday girl has to take the first bite of cake without any hands. While she is doing this her friends push her face into the cake! We had cupcakes so it was a little bit different. However, my friend Cheque managed to get both Tere and I with a swipe of his cupcake.

Here in Mexico serenading is a big thing, especially on birthdays. Often Mariachi bands will be hired to play and sing for the birthday person and this serenading always take place in the wee hours of the morning on your special day. Around 1:30 am on my birthday I awoke to the sound of my phone going off. There was a message from Ruby saying that I needed to look out my window. Bleary eyed I opened my curtain to see two of my good friends, Jhonathan and Cheque, serenading me! They had a guitar and were singing the Mexican birthday song, "Las Mananitas," to me! I loved it! They proceeded to invent a song on the spot all about me. It was hilarious and the start to a great day! 

My serenaders at 1:30 am
Later that I day I had a party at school with my students and was privileged to take the afternoon off to visit the Rio and Imperio de Amor (children's home). It was a fantastic day!!!!

Party at school
Thanks so everyone who sent me cards, letters, gifts, facebook messages, e-mails, etc. I felt very loved and blessed on my birthday!
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