Jim Betcher comforting Erica as we work on her burned feet
Last week a team went out to Rio 3 for an outreach. We currently have a doctor working with us for a month, Carter Bobbit, and he went as well to see some patients. While he was there he met a 12 year old girl who had horrible second degree water burns all over her feet. Erica had been walking near a fire where water was boiling when the pot was tipped over. The water spilled directly on both her feet leaving them swollen, painful, and covered with huge blisters. Erica had been to see a Mexican doctor but was then sent back to the Rio to recover. Carter took a look at her burns and immediately found a way for her to come to the B2B property to receive the care that she needs. Erica is currently staying with the Betcher family and being cared for every day by Carter.
I was talking with Carter one day about my fascination with first aid and medical missions. I have recently discovered in myself a huge desire to learn all that I can about medicine for the mission field. I'm not sure why, but I find it absolutely fascinating! Carter saw this desire in me and asked if he could train me how to care for Erica so I could continue what he has been doing when he leaves at the end of next week. I have spent several afternoons this past week working with Carter and Erica and enjoying every minute of it. Erica's feet are healing slowly but well. Most of her blisters have popped and there is new skin growing back, however her feet are still swollen and it is difficult for her to walk. I am learning how to debreed blisters, cleanse the wounds, disinfect, look for signs of infection, and wrap her feet.
Carter was telling me that it is an absolute miracle that she is not in much pain. Burns like these are usually very painful. Erica has been such a sport! As we work on her feet she barely makes signs that she is at all in pain. When asked she says that she feels fine. Honestly I believe that God has his hand of mercy over her. Please continue to lift Erica up in prayer. There is still a chance of infection and she is not yet completely healed. She is also getting pretty homesick being away from her family and everyone she knows. Thanks for continuing to ask God for her healing...
Also pray for me as I continue to sort out these desires for medical missions that have crept into my heart. I am going to start learning more this week while Carter is here. He would like to teach me how to work a glucometer, check blood sugar levels, give injections, and run electronic records on patients to be able to help the many people here who have diabetes. I am very excited about this opportunity to learn, but humbled by the reminder that I already work full time at school. Please pray for God's grace as I pursue what I feel He is leading my heart to do.
Thank you :)
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