A few weeks ago, after much prayer about this, one of our staff families, the Betchers, decided that they wanted to go to Douglas and hold church for the kids. We found a guy who could play the piano, got Greg Huffer to speak, invited the Holy Spirit, and presto!...We had church, and it was beautiful! The kids loved to worship and the encargatas seemed refreshed. I helped with kids' church while the service was going on and the kids all listened well to the story of Daniel and the Lion's Den. 

Church service at CHD
On the way back up to the church with the kids I passed several women sitting at the bottom of the hill watching us climb to the church. I stopped to talk with them and they told me that they were there to visit with thier children because Sunday is visitation day. I told them that we were finishing up church and invited them to come up with us. Both the women looked at each other and asked if that was okay. I assured them that we would love for them to join us. After the service I invited the moms to come back the next week and go to church with thier kids. They both asked if that was really okay and then happily agreed to see me next week for church. Praise Jesus! Our heart is for the mom's of these kids to have a revelation of Jesus as well. Pray that these mom's ( and more) keep coming!
After the first week we did not have any worship leaders so we started to pray that God would provide. Within days Betty had found a group of young people who were ecstatic about the opportunity to lead the kids in worship. They are skilled with instruments and can lead worship in Spanish. They have been leading worship for us for the past four weeks. It is such a God thing!
The worship team at CHD

Last week I was at church and could just sense the sweet presence of the Lord. I had a little girl sitting with me worshipping, and was looking around at all the little faces smiling and hands clapping. It was so beautiful. I felt refreshed and I knew that all this was pleasing Him. Praise Jesus! Please keep praying for our church services at 11:00 on Sunday mornings...

Some of us after church!
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