These are small snipits of Hope and Cheque Garcia's lives in Monterrey, Mexico with Back2Back Ministries... we hope you enjoy!!!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Alza el Vuelo

The Poor Will Be Glad
Holy Spirit Interruption
It was a busy day at the Rio. We had a group from the states with us that afternoon. I was leading the day and totally focused on the work before me. I was organizing donations, setting up a buffet line, connecting with people, translating... I was busy.
I like how God loves to interrupt the busyness of our lives with His plan. I had been praying for several days that God would help me keep an ear open to His move, to His change in plans. It is easy for me to get into my groove and just go. I can easily tackle a list of "to do's", focusing on the tasks and not on the Lord who might want to change plans and do something new. Days earlier I had prayed that the Lord would help me to see what He was up to during the daily grind of the day, and that He would help me to lay aside my plan. The Lord didn't just help me to see His plan that day but literally interrupted me with it!!!
I walked onto the bus to grab some forgotten donations and on my way out was interrupted by the bus driver. "Excuse me," he said. "Why exactly are you here?"
... It took me a second to realize that he was talking to me. We hire a bus company called GEMA to take our groups to our outreach areas. This bus driver was new. I stumbled through an, "um... sorry, What?"
"Why are you and these Americans here? This is the coldest day of the year in Mexico and you are out here working with these poor people. Why?"
It couldn't be more obvious to me that this was an open door from the Lord, exactly what I had been praying for. So I began talking with the bus driver, Miguel... We talked about B2B, why we are here, why this group of Americans decided to come to Monterrey for a week, why they were serving on the coldest day of the year. We talked about his religion (Catholicism), about his family, about his situation in life, about his family's needs. Miguel lives near to another rio area that we work in with his family. He is the only bread winner and life has not been easy for them. I was able to share with Miguel testimonies of the Lord's faithfulness, ways that I have seen Him provide for me when I was desperate, and ways that God wants to provide for him as well. I asked him how I could be praying for him, invited him to join with us at the soup kitchen, and later the group blessed him with some donations they had brought... it turned out to be a great conversation and a great day, because it wasn't my plan, but Jesus'. Thank you God for interrupting my busy day! Tune my ear to hear your voice and tune my desires to be your desires. Help me to follow your game plan, not my own. Thank you.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
A Rio Christmas.... (just a little late!)

Monday, January 11, 2010
He Loves Them More...
The "Flyers" in Mexico City
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Mexico City
Juan Porto is one of the teen home parents on our campus and he grew up in Mexico City. He kindly offered to be our tour guide and teach us about all of the sites that we would be visiting. Below is a picture of Juan explaining to us the history of Teotihuacan.

Myself, Ruby, and Jessica on top of the Pyramid of the Sun!

On Day 4 we walked around downtown and visited the Federal Palace or Zocalo. Here is a picture of the National cathedral... notice that it has a slight tilt to it.... Mexico City was built on a lake! As a result many old buildings have begun to sink. If you look closely you can see it is leaning!
Mexico City is built on top of the ancient city of Tenochtitlan. In the heart of downtown is el templo meyor. The is the site where the top of the largest pryamid is being excavated. It is incredible to think that while I was walking through the city, an entire ancient civilization was buried under my feet. Here is a picture of the ruins of the Templo Meyor, one of the tallest buildings in ancient Tenochtitlan. It can be seen sticking up out of the ground downtown.
The federal building downtown Mexico City.

Yum yum! We love tacos!!
And just to prove that the trip had an educational focus, here is a picture of the kids writing in the travel journals that we kept throughout the trip. They used their journals for notes, sketches and reflections throughout the trip!