This day was definitely stretching for my Spanish! Ruby and I were the only females there able to translate. Between checking children in, trying to understand their full name (most Mexicans have between 4 and 5 names!) and what they symptoms had, I was translating between doctors and children, and children and pharmacists. While this was completely humbling for me and my basic Spanish, it was also a joy to see God (and need God) to work through my weakness... and He did! Praise Jesus for grace over my Spanish. Please keep praying for grace as I learn and attempt to translate.
By the grace of God we were able to see and treat over forty children and adults in the space of a few hours. There was a line out the door of sick kids waiting to come in and see a doctor. Some of these simply needed attention, care, and the feeling that they were important enough for a doctor to look at and care for. It was a blessing to serve these kids and give them the hug and tums that they needed :) Others, however, had serious problems that will hopefully continue to be looked after. It is almost overwhelming to see child after child who need medical attention that they are not able to receive on a consistent basis.
I checked one 12 year old boy into our makeshift clinic whose encargata told me that he kept soiling his pants without knowing it. He was able to see a doctor who had the heart to listen to his story. This boy was dropped off at the children's home only a few months ago. His mother was taken to a mental institution and he was living with his grandmother. A few months ago his grandmother passed away leaving this boy with no place to go. The Mexican government dropped him off at this children's home to live. According to the American doctor who saw him he has some major heart issues that need intensive care as well as an abundance of emotional and spiritual pain. While our team of doctors can do a little, he needs more. Please pray for him. Pray for his health needs to be met. Pray for his spiritual and physical heart needs to be met... pray for Him to be loved and comforted in a way that only our Heavenly Father can do.
I also checked a 13 year old girl into our clinic who told me that her heart often beats crazily and that it scares her. This girl recently arrived at the children's home after her parents were busted for drug involvement. This precious child was brought up on cocaine. Now at the children's home she is going through massive withdrawal. It makes me so mad and sad to see her hurt from her parent's poor decisions. Please pray for her. Pray also for the caretakers at the home as they work to love her and help her to recovery.
At the end of the day I looked at the masses of children that we had seen, diagnosed, and provided with medication... I admit that I felt satisfied. Then God brought my attention to one of the caretakers who had been standing near the medication table all day long. She had a bread bag stuffed full of medication and lists of children who now needed medication to be administered at various times throughout the day. She gratefully kept accepting the medicine as the pharmacists handed it to her and listened as they explained how to administer it. However, I knew by the look on her face, that she was overwhelmed. I can't imagine trying to remember who gets what meds and how much and when for nearly 40 children. We don't often think about the caretakers, just the children. However their job is intense, and unending. I was burdened to pray for her and others like her whose plates are so full. Please pray for Patti, that she would get the rest that she needs. That God would bless her and those like her who are giving of their lives to serve abandoned children... this is true sacrifice.
My day with the medical team has impacted me. It has made me so appreciate the skills that doctors have. It has made me want to get some sort of medical training as I see how abundant the needs are for medical treatment. Even today this same small medical team is out in an impoverished community serving. They are planning to see 100 plus patients today, and realize that they will probably have to turn some away. The needs are so great! But so is our God :) This experience has also caused me to cry out the Lord to see total and complete healing come to these people we serve. While the doctors can give some medication that may take the pain away for a little while, the pain in the hearts of these people goes deeper still. They are in need of the Great Physician. Please, please, pray for soul healing to come... for we know that this only is where true health and wholeness are found.
Jesus, break our hearts! Show us how your heart hurts for these, your children. Heal Father! Only You can restore what the enemy has sought to destroy... compel our hearts to pray. Keep our hearts burdened for these! Break our hearts as Yours is broken every day...
Hope - great insights in this blog! thanks for sharing! Bet you never knew that your first year of teaching would include ministry like this, huh!?! Hang in there and keep it up - you have an incredible heart to serve people (your students, children in the caso hogars, people of the rio, etc.) - God is going to continue to use that. May His blessings and strength uphold you this next week as you become His hands and feet, His ears and eyes and mouth - as you become the tangible love of Jesus!
ReplyDeleteThanks for that encouragement, Bert! Please keep us all in your prayers :)