Today I was able to go one of my most favorite places in Monterrey... El Rio. El Rio (The River) is the home to many families who are destitute, impoverished, and in need of a Savior. The Rio is land that the government virtually uses as a garbage dump and where many squatters find a home. There are about 40 families who live in the particular Rio that I went to today. 
In the picture above you can see some of the Rio homes in the background.
My friend Meme lives in the Rio with her family. She is a beautiful woman who loves Jesus and passionately shows Him to others. Every Saturday Meme holds a soup kitchen for her neighbors in the Rio. She buys, cooks, and serves food to nearly 40 people each week. The young and old, strong and weak, sick and old come to hear the Word of God preached and to fill their empty stomachs.
Meme ministering God's Word to the people.
Worship at the Soup Kitchen
Today I was privileged to go serve along side Meme at the Rio. Over the past few years I have built some relationships with several Rio people. It was so good to visit these friends again! An American group was also serving with us at the Rio. Together we served at the soup kitchen and helped Meme with building projects around her house. We started construction on a bathroom, built a fence, and laid some wiring in her house. As Meme told us today, her house, the soup kitchen, all she has she views as on loan from God. She asked that we be praying for her and the people who live in the Rio. Spiritual warfare is great in that place. Satan does not like the fruit that is coming forth in the Rio. There are constant threats from the government to take away Meme's land. There are people who do not like the ministry that is going on there. There is so much destitution that many people turn to drugs and alcohol as a way out instead of to Jesus. Please keep Meme and the Rio in your prayers.
Nadar en el Rio de Dios....
Love the singing videos, you need to teach me how to do that. Love that you went on Sat.