First off I want to say thank you to everyone who has been praying for us here in Monterrey!! It has been an intense week, but God has been faithful through it all. As many know, about a week ago tropical storm Alex swept through Monterrey flooding many parts of the city including our B2B property. Many staff and interns were up throughout the night the storm hit bailing out houses, punching holes in the property wall to let water through so they wouldn't collapse, mopping out houses, controlling rivers of water running through the dorms, avoiding sink holes, and praying for help! We got about 40 inches of rain in 36 hours! We were out of power for about 24 hours (much less than we expected) and still to this day have a small "B2B river" running through the property. God is faithful, however! Everyone is fine and we lost no walls to the storm! Many parts of the city were hit as hard or harder than we were. One of the major highways in Monterrey was almost completely washed away and one of the poor communities that we work with was utterly swept away. Please continue to pray for Monterrey and the people who live here. We (B2B) are pretty much back up on our feet and ready to hit our sixth week of summer groups running, others in the city, however, still have no homes. Below are some pictures from the Hurricane event. Thanks for your prayers.

Packages of food to be passed out at Rio 1 as part of hurricane relief efforts.
This is what is left of the Rio 3 community that we work with. Rio 3 is a very impoverished community that housed about 300 families. These families lived in shacks next to the river which was a source of water for them. With the high flood waters, Rio 3 was nearly completely washed away. This picture shows what is left of the 300 homes. Thankfully I don't think that anyone was killed, however many are now homeless. Please pray for them.

The many people from Rio 3 in line for food at a church B2B has helped to build. Thankfully the church was dry through the storm and is now being used to house nearly 100 people each night.

An exit ramp from one of Monterrey's highways, Constitucion, that runs next to the river Santa Catarina.

What is left of highway Constitucion... four lanes completely washed away!

Flood waters flooded a community not to far from us destroying houses and cars.

Another major highway in town, Revolucion.

My wonderful boyfriend helping to evacuate the group that was here during the storm.

Our B2B property.

A team of people working the day before the storm in the rain, trying to keep the Guckenbergers house from flooding.

Water gushing in past LDM from the property behind us.

The bridge we used to use on a daily basis to get in and out of our property.
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