Prayer. Wow!... Since I came back to Monterrey in August, God has done a life changing work in me. He has captured my heart with prayer and intercession for His people like never before. Never before in my life I have I felt the burden to pray as I do now. I grew up going to all sorts of prayer meetings and conferences but have never before delighted in prayer as I do now :) Starting back in September I felt the leading of the Lord to have an intercessory prayer time once a week for the B2B staff and whoever else was interested. A few of us began meeting early in the morning on Wednesdays to seek the Lord and lift up the ministry. As I started praying regularly with other believers I found that my desire and passion for prayer begin to grow. The Lord has been opening my eyes to the power of prayer in the heavenlies... and more than that, He has caused my heart to absolutely DELIGHT in it! I feel like I can't pray enough! We switched our prayer times to Tuesdays from 11am-12pm (Monterrey time) so more people could come. I've been so encouraged to see more of our staff show up to the prayer times and passionately cry out to the Lord. It has been so good! I am still feeling the draw to pray and intercede and would like to start a second weekly prayer gathering.
In our intercessory prayer times we pray about a variety of topics, really anything God lays on our hearts. Typically we find He leads us to intercede for our spiritual health as staff, ministry areas, the teens who are apart of our HOPE Program, and for God's revival to come in our midst. Recently many of us have been sensing a new move of God on the horizon... our prayer has been more focused on revival and for the teens on our campus. I know that God's heart is after our staff and these teens! I desire so badly to see more of the Lord come and ignite hearts. We are praying for hunger... and more of it! Praying for our hearts to not be satisfied with anything less than Him and ALL of Him! ... the cool thing is that we are beginning to see it. Praise God! Over the past 2 months many of our staff have had meaningful encounters with the Lord... some have been fasting, some being set free from long time bondage, some experiencing parts of the Lord they had never experienced before. In our teens as well we are seeing hunger brew and grow. Last night I was privileged to stumble upon a group of teens in the night worshiping and crying out to the Lord for more of Himself. They were hungry. They were not going to be easily satisfied. As I participated in the worship I felt so encouraged! Here come the answers to our prayers! I feel like the Lord gave me just a quick glimpse in the physical realm of what He is doing spiritually.... it's coming folks! Are we ready?
I would like to encouraged all of you to join with us in prayer and intercession for what God wants to do in B2B Mexico. Feel free to join us from afar on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11am-12pm (central time) or join with us any time in prayer. We would love for you to participate in the move of God here in Monterrey.
"If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
- 2 Chron. 7:14
These are just a few photos of how we have felt led to take our prayer and intercession out to our ministry areas.

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