At the close of our unit on slavery, my students and I decided to hold a car wash/bake sale fundraiser to help people who are in slavery today. While teaching the unit, I thought that it was very important to tell my students about slavery that is still going on in many countries. It is easy to hear about slavery during the Civil War and to talk about the underground railroad and think that these are all things of the past. The truth is that there are many countries today where slavery is still legal. I did some research and found some great information about modern day slavery from the International Justice Mission. IJM is a Christian organization that seeks to end slavery and injustices through legal means. Check out their website for more information:

Hose + kids + teacher = water fight!
Our car wash/ bake sale turned out to be a huge success! We held it on the property one Saturday afternoon and nearly every staff family came. My students were real troopers! After washing 12 rather large cars and selling over 60 baked goods, we were plum tuckered out but excited that we had raised $300.00 for IJM. Praise Jesus!

Chloe attacking the wheels!
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