Many of you already know about the need that one of the homes we work with, ERJ, has. This children's homes recently lost a lot of financial support and has been going through a really tough season. Some days it has been hard for them to put food on the table for their 23 precious children. Last Friday myself and several other B2B staff drove 45 minutes south out to ERJ with two cars loaded down with food. Several people from the states had donated enough money for us to go and cook a huge and nutritionally satisfying meal for the kids! We were so privileged to be able to bless them so. We served spaghetti, fruit salad, bread and butter, and the kids' favorite...veggies and dip. I have yet to meet a young kid who does not like to dip things!!! We ended our evening with a bonfire and a S'MORE roast! For most of the kids this was their first time for good 'ol American S'mores!

I spent most of my evening with the directors, Martha and Carlos, who have become dear friends. Last I had talked with Martha the situation their home is in was constantly stressing and worrying her. This time as we talked she shared about how this whole experience has been teaching her and the children such good things. "It is much different relying on God instead of on a person to supply your needs," she told me. She continued to tell me that time after time when they do not know where the next meal is coming from, or how the next bill will be payed God continues to come through. "He always give just what we need right when we need it," Martha told me. The sense a peace she has is incredible compared to the last time I talked with her. Praise Jesus! He is the provider as well as the finisher of our faith! Thank you all for praying for ERJ! God is hearing!

Beautiful faces at ERJ!
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