School officially started on the 4th of September. I feel like I have been in a whirlwind since then! Teaching 4 grades is harder than one might think! As some of you know, we had some trouble getting the curriculum for school... actually that issue is still going on. Pray for that if you would. We are still attempting to order it and get it down here. 
School has been busy, but a lot of fun. The kids and I are studying Native Americans and Native Mexicans this month. Our big end-of-the-unit Powow is scheduled to take place this Thursday night. It is bound to be fun. I've also been trying to do some more hands-on learning with my students in the Science area.
We have been growing bean plants in class, dissecting seeds, and creating our five sense organs out of clay, styrofoam, random tools, you name it. I think that the kids are having a lot of fun... and hopefully learning as well :) 
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