No fears, folks! We are still alive and thriving!!! By looking at my blog you would think we have been MIA for the past 3 months. Glad to say that is not the case (unless MIA stands for "Ministering In Action" !!!! Hahaha!) Truth be told, we have been BUSY!!! Here are a few snap shots of what we have been up to these past few months. I so wish I had all the time in the day to tell each of you the stories behind each photo, but this will have to do!
So what have we been up to????....
Ministering to over 80 teenagers during a 121 retreat in the mountains |
In February we spent a weekend with 80 teenagers in tents and cabins in the mountains during a spiritual retreat weekend. The retreat was targeted at the teens who are still finishing middle school and therefore still living in the children's homes where we serve. What a huge group! One day each of these kids will have the opportunity to be in our Hope Program.
Cheque playing the drums |
Cheque helped with worship during the retreat. These days you can almost always find Cheque behind a set of drums either at church, back2back, retreats, or events!!! He is quite talented :)
Camping with the teens!!! |
Reading with Cristian |
I've been busily filling my days with the Back2Books Literacy Program! We now hold classes twice a week at Casa Hogar Del Norte and my time between is filled preparing lessons or developing the program to soon plant in other children's homes.
Caring for Baby Isaac while teaching literacy! |
Easter egg hunt with my students |
Cheque leveling a soccer field |
We also spend many a day at Casa Hogar Manantial de Amor (MDA) where Cheque and I are the B2B captains. It is quite the multifaceted job!
Bowling with the MDA kids |
Writing child sponsorship letters with the kids |
Hanging out with Rubi from MDA and Jess Biondo. |
Translating for a dental team in Cadereyta |
Hiking with my mom when she came to visit in March :) |
Dying Easter eggs!!! |
Stay tuned for more to come :)