Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Inauguration of the LTP Library

Yesterday we were able to open the LTP library with the kids from Manantial de Amor children's home :) 

Welcome sign outside the library
We held a short "ribbon cutting ceremony" outside the library before we brought the kids in. We shared about the space and all those whose time and money helped to create it. We had a time of prayer and dedication then we had a few of the kids come up and cut the ribbon as a symbol of the official opening of the library!

Ribbon cutting ceremony
The boys praying for the new library

The kids get ready to cut the ribbon and open the new library.

 The children were so excited to go into the library for the first time. I loved hearing there comments like, "This is so beautiful!," "look at all the books," "I can't believe this is for us," "This is so cool!" They are thrilled to have a library space to call their own. 

The boys so excited over the Guinness Book of World Records
Taking a look at the Chritian fiction section
Chuy quickly found his favorite :)
We let the kids explore the books for themselves for a bit, then gathered everyone to read a story about a library out loud together. It was hard to get the kids to leave because they were so excited. I can't wait to have them come back and enjoy this space. I already have several kids asking how they can borrow books!

Librarian Lucia reads aloud a story about a library
For now the kids will be able to enjoy the library every Tuesday. We hope to be able to open it more frequently as soon as we get more volunteers. We are so excited to finally have the doors open :) 

Excited readers

Exploring all the different types of books

This makes my heart so happy :) 

Group prayer for the library

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Chalk Mommies

This photo really hit home tonight. By God's mercy I am spending some time with my sister, brother-in-law, and beautiful niece this week before heading to Ohio for support raising. While I don't yet have kids of my own, I have so enjoyed seeing my sister and her husband interact with little two-year-old Suzie this week. She is full of joy and creativity and love. It is amazing to see the attention and time her parents faithfully devote to her. Bedtime, like for most 2 year olds, can sometimes be tough for Suzie... but she delights in stories and knowing that mommy is right there. As I write this, Suzie's parents are rocking her to sleep and praying over her... What a stark contrast to the story below. How my heart aches for children who don't have a mommy to rock them to sleep and comfort them at night, kids who find comfort in chalk pictures of mommy instead of in her real arms...
I'm praising Jesus for all the kids being rocked to bed tonight... and crying with those babies I know in Mexico who only have chalk mommies.... Come Lord Jesus! 

A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows,
    is God in his holy dwelling... Ps. 68:5

Monday, August 19, 2013

Mark Your Calendars!!!

We're coming to Ohio for a visit!!! You are all invited to an Open House to visit, fellowship, and hear updates from the field. 
We hope to see you there!!!

Open House
 September 17th, 2013
(Slideshow at 8:00pm)

 The Maglich Backyard
     909 S. Locust St. 
    Oxford, OH 45056

Bring your friends!!!!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Our Summer in Photos

How in the world can I recap all that has happened these past 8 weeks of summer? The Lord has been so good and so faithful! Here at B2B we like to ask our missions guests each night during debriefing what is their "picture of the day," or a particular moment that stood out to them that they would like to always remember. Tonight I am posting for you some of our "pictures of the summer" (in both the literal and non-literal sense!). I hope this gives you a real glimpse of what the Lord has been up to this summer and how privileged we have been to play a part in it. Enjoy!

First group of the summer prays over the construction of the new children's home "DREAMS" for Manantial de Amor. 

I was privileged to have 2 brothers visit for the whole month of June and lend many a helping hand at MDA.

To the zoo! One of the many field trips we were able to take the MDA kids on this summer. 

Enjoyed having my dear friend Anna come to serve week 2 of the summer! Luis enjoyed her company too :) 

Cheque was blessed to have my brother Jon help out around MDA. What a blessing to have family so close this summer. 

We loved seeing MDA's new caregivers in their element. Jose and Lorena have added so much to MDA in just the few months they have been working there. Jose has blessed the home with his skills as a carpenter and an artist. Here is the new entertainment center me finished for the boys with the help of good friend from Oxford, Jason Bantz. 

Who can beat slip-n-slide on a hot day! The kids enjoy hanging out with the  Crosslife group during week three. 

DREAMS continues to progress. Week 3 and the first floor walls are nearly up! 

My awesome man showing strengths in so many ways this summer. Here he is reviewing the plans for DREAMS.

Loved having mom with me as I lived my daily life in Monterrey. She got to celebrate with  me and Ady when Ady got her braces finally taken off! 

Fun days in the sun (and big slides!!!)! 

Trip to the pools week 4! 

New sheet donation for the girls dorm room at MDA! Ester enjoys her Hello Kitty sheets :) 

Celebrated Chuy and 3 other's birthdays week 6 of the summer!

Loved seeing all the kids and group pouring into the kids who celebrated birthdays in July. 

Melanie offers her talents as a hair stylist to spruce up the kids summer do's! (Week 6)

DREAMS continues to grow! Week 7 brings the walls even higher and a sidewalk around the building. 

Love these kids and all their joy! Headed out for a safari ride week 7!

Jocabel feeds a wild steer on the safari ride!

A very friendly giraffe :) The kids got to be so close and to pet him. Made their day!

Enjoying the downtown market with the family and trying out ice cream form Oaxaca :) 

Enjoyed helping with the filming of a documentary  about Shannon's life (Hope Program student who I mentor). It is called "1/163,000,000" What an amazing girl and talented film crew.

Finding a small moment to encourage Israel in who he is :) 

Got to celebrate Shannon's acceptance into nursing school! What a huge achievement for her and her family! Still praising Jesus for this one :) 
These are just a few snapshots! Boy, do I have so many more!!!! Thank you Jesus for your faithfulness to us this summer!!!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Adi's Faith

Adi Leslie

It was later than I expected. I was taking Adi back to Manantial de Amor children’s home after her monthly orthodontist appointment with a gnawing sensation in my stomach. We needed to stop for some food and fast. I decided it was the right time to introduce Adi to the amazing delights of Little Ceasers pizza; a nugget of American grease right in the middle of Monterrey. We pulled into the parking lot, ordered a medium pepperoni greaser and two Sprites, and sat down at a table to devour.

As I sopped up the orange grease puddles on my slice with a napkin, Adi began to talk about her family. Adi had been living at Manantial de Amor children’s home since she was six and we were currently in the midst of planning her quince anos celebration. Living in a dorm with fifteen girls, sleeping on a bunk bed, eating every meal in a cafeteria, seeing family only on weekends, participating in group chores, group homework, group everything, had been Adi’s normal life for over nine years.

Through bites of pizza, Adi began to tell me about her younger brother who was once at the children’s home with her, but had returned to live with their folks several years ago. Circumstances were hard, but Brian was living with his biological parents while Adi remained at the children’s home. I wiped my mouth and ask the question that I weekly tell visiting group members not to ask, “Why then, are you still here?” I said hesitantly.
Adi laid her crust on the Styrofoam plate in front of her and looked up at me. “I don’t know,” she said. I could tell her thoughts were a mud puddle of confusion. How hard it must have been to see her brother lovingly invited back into the family, and not even an explanation given to her as to why she was not. 
“I really don’t know why I’m not living with my family,” she said. Before I could offer a consoling word or hug, Adi continued sincerely, “But I do know that God knows the reason I’m still here. He wants to work in my life through being at this children’s home. He wants to perfect me in a way that could only happen through this time at Manantial.” She nodded, “this is all part of His plan and purpose for my life.”

I stopped chewing as the tears bubbled up. “And,” Adi continued, “I even think that God has a plan to use me to help others while I am here.” She reached for another slice, matter-of-factly, and plopped it on her plate.

I knew the words Adi had just spoken had been divinely revealed. The God of grace and loving-kindness had spoken that truth to Adi’s heart. He had chosen her, given her this faith, and intimately revealed His heart to her. She missed her family, but contently submitted herself to the story her Heavenly Father was weaving for her, a much better story than one she could write on her own.
“Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?” James 2:5

Adi with a friend showing off a gift from their sponsor!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Josue's Apple

There is a children’s book by Shel Silverstein called, The Giving Tree. In this story generosity is shown as over and over as an apple tree gives, and gives, and gives of itself to the little boy it loves.
Lucia and I were teaching our little students at Del Norte children’s home about true generosity through this story. When we had finished our lesson, we passed out red construction-paper apples for the kids to decorate with ways they could be generous to others.

  I have no idea what suddenly came upon eight-year-old Josué in this moment. He went from a laughing, good-natured boy to an obstinate, negative soul in literally one second. Josué stood up with a hardened frown on his face and announced that he thought the activity was stupid and he just wasn’t going to do it. We talked with him nicely and then firmly and still he didn’t budge. One of our rules at the library is that if you come to class, you must participate in all the activities, not just the ones you favor. Josué was reminded about this rule, but his countenance and opposition did not change.

Josué spent the next twenty minutes under the teacher desk ripping his paper apple to shreds. Lucia and I ignored his behavior and attended to the other students. I have to admit, I was not feeling very generous toward Josué in this moment. Unlike the tree we had just read about, I was about ready to take back everything I had ever given Josué and make him leave the library! This was not the first time Josué had been a challenge to me. There had been several other days when I asked him to leave the library because of his behavior. He usually left while laughing mockingly at me, no sense of remorse for the chaos he had caused. 

Our reading circle at the library

Our library "Giving Tree"

As the students finished the activity and began perusing books, I felt a slight tug on my shirt. I turned to see Josué with The Giving Tree in his hand. “Can we read this together?” he asked, once again a happy boy. Speechless, the anger shocked out of me, I nodded a “yes.” We sat on the floor and opened the cover. Page after page we read together the story of the Christ-like tree. I turned the last page, closed the cover, and much to my surprise, Josué asked for another paper apple. I watched quietly, as with a tinge of embarrassment Josué wrote on his apple, “I love you. Forgive me for what I have done.”

Josue's apple 

Never in my life did I expect to see those words written out on Josué’s apple. After months of giving, coaching, disciplining, loving, and teaching these kids, we were finally seeing some return… and from the least likely of all. Josué stood up and took his apple over to Lucia to ask her forgiveness as well. I overheard Lucia telling him that he didn’t need to ask forgiveness for himself, but for his behavior. “Love,” she said, “God has made you a very wonderful boy and He wants your behavior to reflect that.” Josué turned toward her and asked, “Why do you call me ‘love’?” Lucia, swooped him up in a big bear hug and said, “Because YOU ARE LOVED!!!”
Despite the day-in and day-out trials, God’s love is seeping into these little hearts. He is slowly removing abused hearts of stone, and replacing them with hearts of flesh. This day, for the first time, we saw that Josué’s heart was beginning to warm and the first layer of stone was cracking off. 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Princess for a Day!!!!

Adi Leslie and Sinai celebrating their XV Anos!!!
God blessed me with the privileged to get to know these two beautiful young ladies through the course of several months as we worked together to plan their Quince Anos. Adi and Sinai are beautiful inside and out. They have hearts for Jesus and I felt so blessed to be able to help make such an important day a reality for these MDA girls!!!

Below are the words of my good friend and Co-Back2Backer, Jenn Myers as she talks about this XV Anos day!!!! Enjoy :) 

"One of the traditions that I love about Mexico is how big they celebrate girls’ 15th birthdays, their entrance into womanhood, by throwing a quinceanera. This elaborate party full of flowers, decorations, and princess dresses is enough to make anyone feel special, which is the ultimate goal. Usually the families of the children would be the ones to plan and provide a party for their girls. Unfortunately for the children in the Casa Hogars this is not possible. We as a ministry believe that this is a very important time for the girls, a rite of passage, not just a party.

The girls being escorted in with their chambalans.

We are grateful to our child sponsors in the states who partner with us to help provide a special day to celebrate the amazing lives of the girls that we serve, daughters of the Most High King! I know how special I feel when I think of myself in this way and I am excited to be a part of helping others to feel the same.

The ceremony

I was gifted with the privilege of joining my friend and co-worker Hope, to go dress shopping with the two beautiful girls shown in the picture above as well as taking photos of their special day. Both girls are beautiful on the inside and out.


Making vows to keep their lives pure and unto the Lord. 
 Raziel, pastor and house parent on staff with Back2Back was asked by the girls to speak at their ceremony. His heart and words for them were so beautiful, a glimpse of God’s love for His daughters. Each girl was given a rose from a friend as scripture was read over them. 

Adi Leslie

Us with the girls. I was the event planner of this day and Cheque was DJ/ muscian. 

Edgar, the director of MDA giving a charge and blessing to the girls. 

It was a great time of celebration as friends and family came together to celebrate the lives of these girls. Both of the girls had their sponsors from the States fly in to help and to celebrate with them. There was dinner for all of the guests as well as the traditional dancing that followed dinner. What wasn’t so traditional was the girls’ request that we have a small worship service to thank God for all that He is and all that He has done. I am so thankful to be a part of all that God is doing in the lives of the children of Monterrey."

 - Jenn Myers, B2B Staff

The party!!!!