This past Thursday was my first time to meet with Monse and her family as a whole! I had asked many of you to be praying that this time would happen and that it would go well. Thank you for your prayers, I feel that it was a very successful first step.
Miriam and Marian, Monse's 1 1/2 year old little sisters |
For those of you not up to speed, Monse is a little girl in the Rio who suffers from neglect. Her mom has a host of stresses and often feels overwhelmed with all that lays on her shoulders. Several weeks ago I talked to Monse's mom, Madelena, about Monse's need for her attention and possible ways I could help out. This past Thursday I went to their home in the Rio, loaded down with games, books, and snacks in order to take care of Monse's little twin sisters so that Monse and her mom could have some positive interaction together.
When I arrived the twins were sleeping and Monse was finishing some homework. I sat down and just began to talk to Madelena about her life, her dreams, her kids, her stresses... immediately I saw how much Madelena needed and wanted a friend. Madelena in some ways has been shunned by her community and I could tell was aching for someone to talk to. She opened up much more than I had expected and we were able to talk about her dreams for time to herself and people around her who might be able to offer her some support. It was good for me to understand more of Madelena's problems and has definitely caused me to have more grace and mercy for her.
Monse, Madelena, and Sarita playing Candy Land |
When Monse had finished her homework, I pulled out picture books for her and her mom to read together. Madelena told me that she enjoys reading but doesn't have many children's books in her home. She read aloud to Monse while Monse colored pictures that went along with the story. The stories I had chosen were purposeful and demonstrated healthy mother child relationships. After reading a few stories Sarita stopped in for a visit and all three played several rounds of Candy Land, while I entertained the twins who had woken up.
The day was simple... games, books, chatting... but the bonding, priceless! Monse and her mom had a good 1 1/2 hours together sharing and communicating in a positive way! It was great! I am planning on meeting with Monse and her family every week for as long as I can. Please keep this time in your prayers!
Marian climbing into the dresser to play! |