Thursday, March 31, 2011

Back2Back with Local Churches

Turquoise t-shirts were milling about everywhere, the palapa was decorated with B2B banners,  sound equipment was being tested, cookies were being set out on tables, the chiliquilies were hot and ready and our local partners began to arrive. We had been planning this breakfast for local pastors for months, had to reschedule it twice, but by the grace of God we were finally meeting with these indispensable ministry partners. 

Local pastors gathered at the breakfast

Last summer B2B Monterrey invited several youth from neighboring churches to help out with our new VBS program. We needed their cultural wise, fluent Spanish, and fun-loving attitudes to make VBS a success. The local youth were interested, B2B was greatly appreciative, and VBS turned out to be a lot of fun. After that summer were saw more than ever how indispensible local churches are to what we do for the orphan. While we are supported in many ways by USA churches and groups, these partners cannot meet all the daily and cultural needs as the local church body can. It is our desire to call the local church forth in the ministry to orphans; to envision them, equip them, and partner with them in this call. We desire to see Mexican Christians caring for abandoned children in their homes and more churches ministering in the casa hogares.  With the language and culture already under their belts, local Christians are one step ahead in the game. B2B has a great need for the local church to stand back to back with us in this ministry.  

Reading about how their churches can be involved in orphan care

A hug from a local pastor who as been a long time supporter of B2B

We were surprised the morning of the breakfast to receive 37 guests representing 18 different churches and/or ministries in Monterrey. This was more than we had expected! In the mix there were familiar faces and new faces too. We took the group on a tour of our campus , sat down to have marvelous chiliquilies, and from there began to share about the ministry, the orphan, the mission, the call, and the need. 

Antonio, Gabo, and Todd sharing the vision

Maru, the cook of the morning!

Chiliquili fixin's!

The breakfast

Attention was held as Todd, Gabo, Juan, Priscila, and Antonio shared about why we do what we do, what the Bible says about the orphan, and the great need for the local church to be involved in this mission.  The response was equally encouraging. Many pastors have invited B2B staff to come speak at their churches. Others are interested in participating in a mission trip with B2B. And still others are offering  their services at the children’s homes, with the Hope Program, and to staff as well. We are greatly blessed by these prospective partners! Please continue to pray for our relationships with local churches and for wisdom as we begin to take the next steps forward with local church partnerships.

Local pastors reading about how to be involved with B2B

Our development team and more! 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A New Song!

"God saved us from the Egyptians
Lets sing to the Lord
God loves us very much
Lets sing to the Lord
God created us
God healed us
God protected and provided for us
Lets sing to the Lord. "
(Written by the children in Rio1)

My favorite day of our Worship unit with the kids in the Rio was when we taught the Children about Miriam praising the Lord after he saved the Israelites from the Egyptians. Miriam took up her tambourine and praised the Lord with a new song! After learning about Miriam we decided as a class that we would write a new song to the Lord just a Miriam did. Cheque got on the guitar, I got out the dry erase board and we began to write a song of praise to the Lord, worshiping Him for the ways that he loves us. Cheque and I started out the song but in no time the kids were shouting their ideas as well. It was the kids who came up with most of the words and reasons why we praise the Lord. It was beautiful for me to hear these children, who live with very little, shouting out reasons they have to praise the Lord! Oh how true it is!!!! Within 20 minutes our song was done, Cheque had a tune, and we all began to worship the Lord with a new song! We have now added this song to our collection and sing it each week :)

Me teaching the kids about Miriam and how she praised the Lord. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Why do We Worship?

This Spring we have been teaching the Rio children about worship. It has been fantastic! A donor supplied us with money to purchase instruments for the children and thus the idea sprang into action. Our heart was to teach the kids not only how to worship the Lord but reasons we have to worship Him! When we truly know His character there is nothing left to do but worship. 

Cheque used to be a percussion major! He taught the children how to use shakers, tambourines, rhythm sticks, and the triangle. The children love using the instruments to praise the Lord! I've also been very impressed with the way they respect the instruments. We talked about how these are not toys but tools we can use to praise the Lord. They listen well and do a great job playing the instruments.

Monse with the tirangle

Eduardo with the rhythm sticks

Cheque leading the children in worship

After several lessons in our unit on worship we had the kids make their own instruments that they could take home with them. Here is Fernanda with her shaker and below is Naomi with her tambourine.

Our goal is to teach the kids why we praise the Lord through examples in the Bible. Above the kids are playing a game with a memory verse about praise.

One of the Bible stories we studied during our unit on worship was that of God providing and protecting the Israelites in the desert. He sent them a cloud to protect them by day and fire by night. He sent down manna from heaven as food for them. One of the reason we worship the Lord is because he protects us and provides for us. Above is an activity we did with collecting "manna". 

Monday, March 14, 2011

Update on the Rio Community

 Last summer we had a horrible hurricane come through Monterrey.  Even though Rio 1 wasn’t one of the hardest hit areas there were still homes lost and people were in grave danger.  As a result of this and other factors, the government has plans to move this community somewhere and provide them with new housing sometime in 2011.  Because of different situations like the one above, the ministry in Rio 1 is in a transition period. We feel God is allowing this time for us to take a step back from the soup kitchen and pray and seek Him about what He would have us to do.  Would you join us in prayer as we seek God’s face and His plans for this ministry at Rio 1? As we wait for God’s answer we are continuing to build into the children spiritually through weekly Bible classes. We are also using this time to pour into Meme. She is being mentored by a women on staff and attending inner healing classes.  We covet your prayers during this season of waiting on the Lord. 

Please note that I will continue to be a presence in the Rio1 community. I try to be out there at least a couple times a week to continue serving the children even in this transition period. Thanks for your prayers for direction!  Let me know if you have any questions.