After much prayer and thought I have committed to stay in Monterrey for at least 2 more years to work with B2B Ministries!!! Yay! I'm excited. I've seen the Lord move in so many ways these past two years that it blows my socks off! After our Mexico B2B director came to me and asked me to commit for 2 more years I began to pray... these past two years I have seen God move in so many ways and my heart continues to be excited for ministry here. He has awakened in me a heart for prayer like never before and I've seen Him answer in specific ways. Ministry in the Rio is booming, relationships are being built there, and He is invisioning my heart for so much more that He wants to accomplish in that place. God has given me opportunities to use my teaching skills in the children's homes and I love it! My Spanish is daily increasing and I so enjoy learning more about Mexico and it's culture... As I was praying I felt the Lord showing me these things and simply confirming to my heart that He has more planned for me to do here. It is not over yet :) There is not a doubt in my mind that the Lord wants me here some more... So friends, please continue to pray for me. Next year is going to look a little different (as always!). I will not be working in SMCA at all, but focusing more time on the Rio, on children's ministry, on prayer, and other areas as well. While there is a part of me that is saddened by not teaching in school, I feel a real peace about this change and have already seen the Lord using my teaching skills elsewhere. I think this next year will be one of the Lord training me in leadership and other areas of ministry. I am excited to learn. Thank you all for your continued partnership and prayers as my life turns corners. Who knows what lies ahead? I don't... but I trust in the God who does. Stay tuned... :)