God also used my time at home to refresh my vision and desire for Him. I often feel that when I return home, God renews my heart for Monterrey and this trip was no exception (I'll save the details for a later blog!).
While at home I was also support raising for my next year in Monterrey. Many thanks to all of you who have supported me and are continuing to support me! I loved connecting with you and sharing my heart! God continues to amaze me as He provides for my life! I feel so loved and humbled by His provision...
After 6 weeks in my sweet town I returned to Monterrey. I was there for one week. During this time I was reuniting with my staff team, remembering Spanish, working in the Rio, and getting a few things done for our next school year at SMCA. After a week in Monterrey I flew to San Miguel de Allende which is where I currently am! I am here studying Spanish for a month... many more details on this to come :)